Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How Spirituality and Spiritual Growth Affects Differences Between Men and Women

By Roger Himes

Gender differences between men and women are unique. This effects spirituality and spiritual growth like you can't imagine. A best selling book describes these differences: "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus."

As The Gospel Coach, I talk of differences between men and women more in Part 2 of this article. A few years ago, my wife Eileen and I co-wrote a book on this subject: "WOMEN: Called to be Fathers of the Gospel."

At this time, let's take a look at how women and men are different in how they think spiritually.

A profound way men and women differ is that we men have a knack in terms of thinking we are conquerors, rulers, and we're always trying to achieve success. This began in Genesis chapter 3. God spoke to Eve and said, "Your desire shall be for your husband, but he shall rule over you." Women don't think the way men do. They have a desire for intimacy, while men have a desire to control. Although I must admit I have met some pretty controlling women.

Men have more of a tendency to think and relate by means of their heads, not their hearts. They related to things in a 'formula' type mind-set: A + B = C. They want to know how to achieve what they want, and their minds given them this ability and satisfaction. They can create 'systems' in their minds that will help them create the steps, or the map, or the formula to get where they want to go.

For this reason, men tend to relate better to the Old Testament system of rules. Here, it tells them what they need to DO in order to GET what they want. Their reasoning is that if they merely keep the rules, then they will be blessed and favored by God. If they don't keep the rules then they won't be blessed. Women relate better to the New Testament concepts of love and grace.

If you want a rule book, then the Old Testament is the place to look. It creates a formula and system approach to life that men relate to. It's a matter of the head being in control, and it can be grasped with the mind. It's a process of reasoning that men relate to. This type of environment makes them thrive.

On the other hand, most women tend to live life more in their hearts than in their heads. They are not 'rule book thinkers,' like we men are. They are not focused on the END as much as they are the MEANS to get to the end. While men are more focused on the result, or on the destination, women are usually more focused on the journey.

Neither men nor women stand in concrete! We can both move and change! I know men who think more like women (I've been accused of this myself). Some women think more like men. As a Christian counselor who has given up on counseling and has now become a gospel life coach, I can testify that this is the way things are. Nothing is absolute. But there are tendencies.

I've already said that women are more HEART driven, while men live in their heads. This means that women are more RELATIONAL in nature, while men are more RATIONAL.

Women like the PROCESS of romance (or if you prefer: relationship) -- whether with God or with their man. They want to know how the two of them work together to achieve a desired end and to bring about a good ways and means. Men are more PROGRAM driven and motivated: "Let's get the job done." Their reasoning tells them if they can work the PROGRAM, then they will get what they want and achieve their goals.

Thus men are more Old Testament focused because it was more of a 'cause and effect' type system. Today, men can see they should not steal because they may go to jail. They should not commit adultery because they may get AIDS, divorced, or murdered. They should not kick the dog or the cat, because they may get bitten or scratched. It's a very 'matter of fact' way of thinking that is very functional and practical.

In Part 2 of this, we will look at why the gospel is easier for women than it is for men. As THE GOSPEL LIFE COACH, I know that dealing with women is often very different from dealing with men.

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Why use guided meditations?

By Steven Aitchison

Individuals that use guided meditation are meditation lovers, those that like to relax, or those that are longing for personal development and spiritual growth. It's often utilized by beginners of meditation because it is easier to be guided by someone else than to try on your own.

It is great for those who find themselves hunting for a stress free life, or those looking to be healthier and happier.

Guided meditation (also called guided relaxation) can be used for relaxation purposes, healing and regularly spiritual development. It's a proven way to relax the mind and attain inner peace.... Or at least to help turn the volume down on the seemingly never ending noise that is in many people's minds. The importance of guided meditation is to help let go of the outside world, clearing the mind of any thoughts and simply following the spoken words and visualizations. Many people believe in the effectiveness of guided meditation and guided relaxation because even when you drift off during the process your subconscious can nevertheless benefit.

A meditation or relaxation program can help you to relax and release many of the negative thoughts and energy that is stored in our bodies. Through deep relaxation you can be able to reach hidden aspects of your mind that you haven't used or remembered for a long time. Occasionally we may not even understand that that part of the mind existed. This experience can unleash the effectiveness of the subconscious mind to produce positive energy. Remember, our thoughts are like a computer that can be programmed with the things that we want to happen. If you want to change your state of mind to become more productive in any aspect of your life, guided meditation can certainly be a solution. There are several guided meditation techniques that will suit your needs.

The success of people using the power of meditation cannot be measured. It is an experience of self discovery and healing. Meditation or relaxation is often associated with soft music, the sounds of nature, or both. It involves deep breathing techniques and visualizations that have the ability to relax the mind. Individuals who use guided meditation usually see inner happiness and abundance in life. Through the power of meditation self transformation can happen that you did not think was possible. It offers guidance for new ideas and perspectives. Notice the changes that guided meditation will bring you, explore and learn the best things in you!

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Self Improvement Courses Can Make You The Person You Really Want To Be

By Frank Hayes

Before somebody even starts looking for information regarding self improvement courses, there is something that they must realize. This is that they do have shortcomings and that something has to be done about them. Without going through this stage first self-improvement cannot work, as they do not realize that there is anything that they have to improve upon.

As soon as somebody realizes that they do have an elements of themselves that can be improved, any course related to self-improvement will be of benefit. Most of them start with a section that helps to gain the confidence of those who feel that they have failed because they need to take a course of this kind. You are made to realize that you are not looked down upon because you are a course student, but a success because you have openly admitted you have failings.

There are a great many of these courses on the Internet, some you must pay for, and some that you don't. This just shows that self-development does not have to be costly. Nevertheless, it would not hurt to do a little bit of background research to find out what students, both past and present, have thought of the ones they have taken.

If you have just become interested in the art of personal development, then taking one of the free online courses would be the best way to start. A lot of these courses have a part to play at whatever stage of self-development you might have reached. It could be that you had previously been on a course like this, but for whatever reason you did not complete it. You might find this a good way to get started back on the road again.

As different institutions use different methods to help you in your goal, it will be worth finding out which method is best suited to you. The majority of these courses will include an initial personal assessment phase which involves making sure you fully understand everything about yourself. If you have already realized that you need some form of personal development, this should not be difficult.

The lessons are generally interactive, you are not just sent to book of instructions. What normally happens is that you receive some assignments, and then you will get follow-up e-mails to ask you what you achieved. This is true whether you paid for the course or not.

You will find that online self improvement courses serve a useful purpose. They realize that the student does require some form of assistance. These courses will help you on your way to being a better person, but only if you really want to be.

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The Gospel is Easier for Women than Men! Spirituality and Spiritual Growth Proceed from the Gospel!

By Roger Himes

This is Part 2 following the article: "Men and Women Differences: How They Affect Spirituality and Spiritual Growth." In this article, I talked about the tendencies of men, vs. those of women.


Men are more dominated by practical, functional and goal oriented things. Their desire is to reach the destination, and get the job done, rather than stop and smell the roses along the way. Men are results oriented and rational, while women are more people oriented and relational.

Looking at the gospel of Jesus, and a life of spirituality and experiencing spiritual growth, women most often out-run men. I talked about this in the last article: men are more Old Testament focused because it is more concrete, rote and rational.

When it comes to the gospel of Jesus, and living a life of spirituality and experiencing spiritual growth, women most often out-distance men. I mentioned in the last article that men are more Old Testament focused because it is more concrete.

Men understand things like, "DON'T commit adultery, cuss or steal" and "DO go to church, read the Bible, attend small group, and give money." Men thrive on measurable things that they are able to apply. This is the way the Old Testament is.

The New Testament speaks of more spiritual things: our unity with God, Christ within us, the glory of God in us, and the gospel being God's presence and power in us. Many men back away from things like this. It takes too much time to figure them out. They're too busy trying to get to some destination, and this is like stopping to smell the roses. It's not concrete enough for men.


This shows why men fall short spiritually at times. If their focus is the more concrete Old Testament based on laws, rules, precepts and principles, the New doesn't make sense to them. Thus the gospel is easier for women than for men. Paul says this OLD system has been replaced by the NEW Covenant gospel.

He says we are not to minister the OLD Testament but the NEW (II Cor 3:6-7). The NEW actually replaced the OLD (Heb 9:9-10, 10:9). The Old was abolished (Eph 2:14-15). He says it was nailed to the cross of Christ - which means it was put to death (Col 2:14).

But men are rational thinkers. As such, they easily revert back to the Old Testament ways. At best, they try to mix the Old with the New - grace with law. Jesus says not to do this. Paul calls us fools if revert back to the Old Testament when we have the better New Testament (Gal 3:1-3, Heb 11:39-40). At the same time, women are relational thinkers who more easily integrate the tenants of the gospel.

The ministry of the New Testament gospel is about 'fathering the gospel' in the lives of others (I Cor4:15). It is ministering the love of God, or the love of Christ (John 13:34-5, 15:9, Eph 3:17-19). It is about ministering in grace and truth (Eph 4:29, John 1:17). It is about ministering the glory and the fullness of God in us (II Cor 3:18, Eph 3:19-20).

You can't give away what you ain't got! If these things are not in your life, and if you are founded in law under the Old Testament, you can't minister God's manifold grace and his unconditional love. Paul says you must be dead to the law to live in God and to minister his New Covenant gospel (Gal 2:19). If anyone, man or woman, is stuck in the Old Testament religious system to any degree, they can't minister the New Testament gospel. They are trying to mix law and grace - oil with water - the blood of animals with the blood of Jesus.

Living under rules and principles, men work in order to acquire. The gospel speaks of resting and receiving, which women do better than men.


The Old Testament is NOT bad! It has lots of good stuff in it - history, prophecy, Proverbs, Psalms, etc. But the Old Testament pointed to the New Testament (what we call the Christ event, or the life, death and resurrection of Jesus). It's said it 'foreshadows the New.'

Jesus says we must repent of believing all other things and believe the gospel of the Kingdom of God that is now ours (Mark 1:14-15). What he means by saying its been abolished is that it is no longer meant to govern our lives. We are not longer meant to live by it. We are meant to live by the New Covenant gospel. We are to repent from trying to live by means of the Old Testament. Everyone failed who ever tried to live by it anyway (Rom 3:10, Acts 15:10).


"Old things have passed away (died). Behold! All things have been made new" (II Cor 5:17). This literally means ALL things. Even we have been made a 'GodMan' - a new species. Paul calls this being a New Creation in Christ. I call it being a NCIC (pronounced 'Nick'). This is all because ALL the law, prophets and psalms were fulfilled in Jesus (Matt 5:18, Luke 24:27, 44).

This means we are no longer to live by ROTE - by precepts and principles. This is how things were in the Old Testament. Most men, who think rationally, don't like this. They like the concreteness of living by rote. The New Testament speaks of relationship: first with God and then with each other. This is the way most women think. This is usually too subjective for most men, and not objective enough. In the last article I showed how Eve's desire was to relate to Adam, but his desire was to rule her.

In the New Testament, we are all equal in Christ. Yes, we are male or female physically, but there is no male or female spiritually (Gal 3:28). We are all the same, and as one in the eyes of God. Women were not equal in the Old Testament. Women were held in low esteem.

In the Bible, women could be stoned for adultery, and other things. They had no rights. The gospel of Jesus gave women equal rights. The New Testament makes them the same as men, at least in God's eyes, if not in the eyes of men who are usually the church leaders.

As The Gospel Coach, I see that women much more readily and easily live in the gospel of the New Testament than men do. And living a gospel life of belief was the very first command of Jesus after spending 40 days in the wilderness with Satan. The most important thing on our Lord's mind and heart were the first words out of his mouth: "Repent and believe the gospel."

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